Topaz Plug-ins Bundle for Adobe Photoshop & Lightroom (Upd 10.01.2017) (Mac OS X)
原价69.99美金 约人民币428元
Topaz Photoshop Plugins Bundle 2016 是鼎鼎大名的顶级的Photoshop滤镜插件包,整合了10种非常强大易用的优秀滤镜插件!可以帮助你轻松实现梦幻般的效果!这个是2015年12月26号更新的最新版本!滤镜包括曝光滤镜、降噪手绘滤镜、马赛克修复、磨皮降噪、图像锐化、镜头滤镜、抠图滤镜、艺术绘画滤镜等!
- Instantly convert your photos into an exciting art
- Control of the artistic process with an infinitely configurable options
- Use simple, fast and easy to master sliders
- Maximizing productivity through the use of a number of built-in presets
- Save your settings in your own presets
- Take advantage of multiple processors for faster processing
- Use Photoshop smart filter for convenient and non-destructive editing
Topaz Plug-ins Bundle for Adobe Photoshop Seperately Includes:
- Topaz Adjust- Topaz Adjust 5.2.0 ***
- Topaz ReStyle 1.0.0
- Topaz Clarity 1.0.0
- Topaz ReMask 5.0.0
- Topaz B&W Effects 2.1.0
- Topaz Detail 3.2.0
- Topaz Simplify 4.2 ***
- Topaz Lens Effects 1.2.0
- Topaz Star Effects 1.1.0
- Topaz Clean 3.1.0
- Topaz Impression 2.0.4
- Topaz Glow 1.0.1
- Topaz DeNoise 6.0.1
- Topaz InFocus 1.0.0
- Topaz DeJPEG 4.0.2
- Topaz photoFXlab 1.2.10
- Topaz Texture Effects 2.1.0 *
- Instantly convert your photos into an exciting art
- Control of the artistic process with an infinitely configurable options
- Use simple, fast and easy to master sliders
- Maximizing productivity through the use of a number of built-in presets
- Save your settings in your own presets
- Take advantage of multiple processors for faster processing
- Use Photoshop smart filter for convenient and non-destructive editing
Language : English
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System requirements 系统要求:
OS X 10.7 or Later
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