Action 1.1.4 macOS

Action 1.1.4

Action launcher that speeds up work with your Mac.

Searching the web has never been easier

  • Show the application using the global shortcut, type your query, choose the required action and run it.
  • Use the selected text from any other application as your query using the global system service 'Open in Action', choose the required action and run it.
  • Use the text content from the clipboard as your query, choose the required action from status menu and run it.

Script launcher

  • Define the custom AppleScript or Automator Workflow actions and simply run them.
  • Use the text content from the clipboard as input in your script actions, because the application Action inserts the text content to the clipboard before the action run.

Key Features

  • Open URL Actions - Define the actions for search from your favorite websites and simply run them.
  • AppleScript Actions - Define the custom AppleScript actions and simply run them.
  • Automator Workflow Actions - Define the custom Automator Workflow actions and simply run them.
  • Customize Actions - Set the order of actions, set the names, set the key shortcuts.
  • Run Actions from Status Menu - Run the actions from status menu with the text content from the clipboard.
  • Use Selected Text - Use the selected text from any other application using the global system service 'Open in Action'.
  • Mode without Dock Icon - Show application window on active screen and active space.
  • Global Shortcut - Show the application from anywhere using the global shortcut.
  • Launch the Application at Login.


