Tecplot Focus 2018 R1 2018.1.1.87425 macOS 工程科学绘图软件

Tecplot – software for engineering plotting with a wide functionality of XY, 2D and 3D. The program is designed to measure operational data, build test data, mathematical analysis, and for engineering construction in general. Tecplot users can now use the vast array of available open-source libraries. Doing any development or scientific project, use this software for drawing and visualization, which will help to present your work in the most favorable light. And if you are thinking about presenting your data in a new, better and different ways, then Tecplot gives you full control over 2D and 3D drawing parameters.

One of the most important new features of this product is the ability to write scripts in Python. This feature was created specifically for engineers who require additional analysis (FFTs, splines, statistical functions, etc.), as well as the flexibility offered by the ability to write scripts, compared to writing macros.

Tecplot Focus enables you to quickly plot your line and surface engineering and test data exactly the way you want. You can analyze and explore complex data sets, arrange multiple XY, 2D and 3D plots, and communicate your results to colleagues with high-quality output.


Tecplot Focus helps probe manufacturer showcase technology and sell products. Read the full case study.

Create, Alter, IF Conditions and Transform data: Alter your data or create new data using mathematical expressions. Store mathematical expressions for reuse. Create mirror images of existing data. Create new data as a subset of existing data.
Interpolate data: Choose from linear, inverse-distance, and kriging interpolation.
Triangulate: Create sets of triangles from data points defined in a 2D plane.
Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT): Transform onedimensional ordered linear data into the frequency domain for visualization and further analysis.


Slicing Tool: Interactively slice 3D volume and surface data displaying mesh, contours, and vectors on the slice plane.
Iso-surface Tool: Change iso-surface values interactively.
Probing Tool: Click on the surface to display interpolated variable values and cell indices. Snap selections to nearest grid point.
Streamtrace Tool: Interactively seed rakes of streamlines, streamrods, and streamribbons in 2D and 3D. Specify lines to terminate streamlines. Display markers along streamlines spaced by vector magnitude. Place streamline rakes. Generate surface streamtraces on a no-slip wall based on shear stress vector field. Auto seed a specified number of streamtraces on a selected surface.
Contour Tool: Interactively add and delete contour lines or levels.
Extraction Tools: Interactively define sets of points or polylines to which 2D and 3D surface data is interpolated and extracted for display as a separate plot.
Curve Fits: Use least squares linear, polynomial, power, and exponential curve-fits. Use least squares curve fit of a linear combination of specified functions.
Data Blanking and Clipping: Set multiple constraints (or masks) to blank the display of data based on local field variables, functions of variables, grid indices, or depth from viewing position. Clip surfaces of 3D volume data to reveal internal variations. Omit zones or peel away surfaces to highlight specific details.
Data Extraction: Extract iso-surfaces, slices, subsets, streamtraces, polylines, the surface 3D volume finite-element data, and point sets from 3D data to new data segments (zones) for further plot customization.


Configuration File and Batch Files: Set new defaults and perform initialization with configuration files and start-up batch files.
Macros: Use macros to perform multiple, repetitive changes.
Layout Files: Return to plots exactly as you created them by saving a layout file recording the frames, plotting attributes, and the data. Apply layout styles to the same data set or diff erent data sets.
Stylesheets: Record all aspects and appearances of a plot frame without the data in a stylesheet. Apply a stylesheet to recreate a previous plot or to apply plot styles to another set of data.


Cross-Platform Capability: Run Tecplot Focus on Windows, Mac, and Linux platforms. Interchange Tecplot Focus macro files, layout files, stylesheets, color map files, and data files between all platforms.
Expanded Data and File Sharing: Compatible with Tecplot Focus 2008 and later. Compatible with Tecplot 360.

Working with Multiple Data Sets

View multiple data sets simultaneously in multiple frames.
Load up to 5 million data points per frame.
Create PowerPoint-like presentations with multiple pages.

Plot Annotation

Text: Place text interactively on plots. Use all your system fonts with TrueType capabilities. Set color, angle, size, font, background color, and justification.
Geometries: Interactively create polylines, rectangular boxes, circles, and ellipses. Duplicate, reposition, and resize geometries. Create and modify geometries (point-by-point) interactively and read from a file.
Images: Import JPEG, BMP, and PNG files into your plot.

Output Formats

Vector-based and Raster Plot Files: Export vector-based files in PostScript, EPS and Windows Metafile formats. Export raster files in PNG, JPEG, BMP and TIFF formats. Configure image resolution independent of screen resolution.
Animations: Export images to Flash (SWF), MPEG-4, WMV, and PowerPoint-compatible AVIs.

Data Input

General Text Loader: Scan ASCII data files for titles, variables and data, set filters, and preview processed data.
Subset Data on Input: Read subsets of variables, data blocks, and data points to accelerate plotting.
Custom Data Reader: Use the Tecplot Add-on Developer’s Kit to create data loaders for your proprietary file formats.
Auxiliary data: Attach supplementary information (name/value pairs) to data sets, frames, or zones.

Line, 2D, 3D, and Polar Plotting

Time and Dates: Display time and date on any axis.
XY Features: Create scatter plots, line plots, bar charts, semi-log plots, log-log plots, error bar plots, splines, curve-fits, and more. Configure tick marks, symbols, legends and more. Work with multiple horizontal and vertical axes.
Mesh layer: Display 1D, 2D, and 3D grids. Color mesh lines by variable, and remove hidden lines.
Contouring: Display contour lines, color fl ood between contour levels, and color fill cells (or elements). Use multiple contour variables to view and analyze interrelationships among several variables simultaneously.
Vectors: Display 2D and 3D vectors on planes, 3D surfaces, and in volumes. Display 3D vector components tangent to 3D surface. Specify length, color, line type, and head style. Color by variable.
Polar Plot Features: Create polar line plots (r, theta). Configure angles in radians, degrees or arbitrary units. Select between linear or logarithmic radius.
Edges: Display the edges of data segments on 2D and 3D surfaces and volumes. Configure color and line type. Draw creases based on user-defined angle.
Lighting Effects: Set the level of translucency, and include specular highlighting on 3D surfaces. Set the lighting model as uniform, paneled, or Gouraud.
Create shade plots.
Combine Plot Layers: Assign combinations of mesh, contours, vectors, scatter, boundary, shade, lighting, and volume attributes to various data segments.

What’s New in Tecplot Focus 2017 Release 2

Extract Precise Line. The Extract Precise Line function has returned. It’s now in the Extract submenu of the Data menu, rather than on the Tools menu.
Axial Rotation and Duplication. 2D and 3D grids can be rotated, and zones may be duplicated by repeatedly rotating them around an axis. This feature is commonly used in turbomachinery applications (for example, to duplicate blade rows). A 2D version of the rotation feature was in older releases of Tecplot Focus.
Easier Frame Deletion. It’s now possible to delete the active frame using the Frame menu, or the frame’s right-click context menu in the work area or the Frames sidebar.
Improved Font Support. Greek text is rendered better, and the bold and italic tags in text objects now work with system fonts.
Choose Surface Generation Method. When creating slices or iso-surfaces, you can now choose from two surface generation methods, to achieve smoother contours or to avoid holes in the surface. Look for this setting in the Other page of the Slice Details dialog and in the Style page of the Iso-Surface Details dialog.
Improved Animation Controls. All animation features now use VCR-style controls. Previously, only some animation dialogs had them.
Easier License Installation. The Licensing dialog now accepts a pasted single-user license key.

System requirements:

Mac OS X 64-bit: 10.6.8, 10.7.5, 10.8, 10.9.5, 10.10
Linux 64-bit: Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 5.5, 6.0; CentOS 5.5, 6.0;
SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop (SLED) 10.4, 11.2; Ubuntu 12.04 LTS




System requirements:

  • OS X 10.9 or Later


