FL Studio for Mac 12.4.2 音乐创作工具 ALPHA 0.9N
FL Studio for mac 12令人瞩目的水果12 mac版本终于在macpeers首发了,这个价值740$的软件,水果12mac版是广大音乐创作人梦寐以求的工具,现在还等什么,打开macpeers网站去下载并享受它吧!!!14年的牛逼的音乐创作工具
FL Studio for Mac 12介绍
FL Studio 12 for mac介绍
FL Studio 12是一个完整的音乐创作环境的工具,有着超过14多年的创新发展,我们承诺终身免费更新。你只需要在一个封装中,编写,整理,记录,编辑,混音和掌握专业品质的音乐。
FL Studio的12是最快的方式从你的大脑,你的音箱。
FL Studio 常称之为“水果”,让你的计算机就像是全功能的录音室。
Updated to 12.4.2 official sources
Fixed DirectWave missing symbols
Fixed Render dialog missing configuration
Fixed Many issues with CMD key combinations
Fixed drag and drop in various areas - But NOT Edison, that's disabled for now.
Use right mouse button in Edison's drag button to copy selected wave to the clipboard
Added DirectWave instrument creator (Richt-click channel menu)
Channel option DW preset renderer as a bonus! Windows users don't have this yet
There is also a pop-up touch keyboard (somewhat hidden), which you may find...but as Macs don't have touch so not for you! 😛
Screenshot 软件截屏:
System requirements 系统要求:
- OS X 10.7 or Later
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