File Cabinet Pro for Mac 4.0 菜单栏的文件管理器

File Cabinet Pro是macOS菜单栏的文件管理器。快速导航到文件,而不会混乱您的桌面。从菜单栏中打开,移动,重命名,压缩,标记,删除,复制和粘贴文件。您可以在File Cabinet Pro中本机打开许多文件类型,或通过启动其他应用程序打开文件。在图标视图中单击目录,在列表视图中钻取目录或在列视图中导航文件树很容易。

File Cabinet Pro也是一个基于文档的应用程序,附带内置文本编辑器,图像查看器,PDF查看器和媒体播放器。 File Cabinet Pro可以打开以编辑/查看的一些文件类型包括:

- 文本文件(txt)

- 可压缩网络图形(png)
- 联合摄影专家组(jpeg)
- 标记的图像文件格式(tiff,tif)
- 位图图像文件(bmp)


使用File Cabinet Pro,您可以:
∙轻松标记文件。在File Cabinet Pro中选择文件,右键单击,然后在上下文菜单中从控件中添加或删除文件标记。
∙在登录时启动应用程序。您可以在您登录Mac时自动启动File Cabinet Pro(可选功能,默认情况下禁用)。
∙设置全局热键,用于显示和关闭File Cabinet Pro窗口(可选功能,默认禁用)。

版本 3.9.9 中的新功能

-Long filenames in icon view will now wrap to a second line (requires macOS 10.11 or later).
-You can change the font size used for filenames in icon view, list view, and column view in Settings (requires macOS 10.11 or later).
-Bug fixes and improvements.

版本 4.0 中的新功能

From the last update:
-Long filenames in icon view will now wrap to a second line (requires macOS 10.11 or later).
-You can change the font size used for filenames in icon view, list view, and column view in Settings.

This update:
-Fixed an issue that caused the font size for Icon View to not be restored between application launches.
-Fixed an issue that could cause the row height in list view to not be properly set when first launching the app.

版本 3.9.7 中的新功能

-Fixed bug that caused the app to become unusable when resizing File Cabinet Pro from an external monitor.

From the last update:
-You can add a "Compress" button to the customizable toolbar.
-You can show a "Get Info" panel using the Command+I keyboard shortcut.
-Added a "Keep folders on top when sorting by name" preference. By default this is off but you can enable it from the Preferences window.




System requirements:

  • OS X 10.7 or Later


