Scanner Sombre MAC

恢复意识,你闻到潮湿。 打开你的眼睛,你看到房间的石墙被火光闪烁; 你绊倒你的脚,踢一个头盔在地板上咔哒一声。 慢慢地,你头脑的疼痛开始消退,你注意到一个通道的开始。 经过几步之后,黑暗消耗了你。 回到安全的火上,你会在地板上看到一个LIDAR扫描仪 – 一个触发按钮会导致头盔内部发出微弱的光晕。 你把头戴上,调整波束宽度,进入深渊。

灵感来自Gone Home和Dear Esther,Scanner Sombre是一个洞穴探索体验。 令人惊叹的视觉效果和令人震惊的主题,是由Introversion软件公司发行的第六大视频游戏 – 百万销售的创始人BAFTA获奖监狱建筑师,以及Uplink,达尔文亚,DEFCON和Multiwinia。

Regaining consciousness you smell the damp. Opening your eyes you see the stone walls of the chamber flickering by the light of the fire; you stumble to your feet and kick a helmet clattering across the floor. Slowly the ache in your head begins to subside and you notice the beginnings of a passage. After a few steps the darkness consumes you. Returning to the safely of the fire you see a LIDAR scanner on the floor – a trigger press results in a faint glow coming from inside the helmet. You put the helmet on, adjust the beam-width and proceed into the abyss….

Inspired by Gone Home and Dear Esther, Scanner Sombre is a cave exploration experience. With stunning visuals and a terrifying theme, it is the 6th major video game released by Introversion Software – creators of the million selling, BAFTA award winning Prison Architect as well as Uplink, Darwinia, DEFCON and Multiwinia.

Screenshot 软件截屏:




System requirements 系统要求:

  • OS X 10.7 or Later


