Cycling.74.Max 8.3.1 MacOSX


Team R2R | Nov 29 2018 | 415 MB

Max is a visual programming language for the specialized needs of artists, educators, and researchers working with audio, visual media, and physical computing.

Discover a new landscape of sonic possibilities
With MC, objects and patch cords contain multiple audio channels. MC will transform how you imagine sound design, effects processing, and mixing. It might be the closest thing to a mind-expanding drug Max has ever had.

Experience noticeably faster performance
For Max 8, we profiled real-world, messy patches to discover what we could optimize. You'll notice the difference the moment you launch the application.

Control your patch with hardware — no patching required

Cycling '74 has updated Max to v8.0.2.

New Features:

BEAP: v1.0.2 cosmetic updates for Max 8.
cycle~: 'reset' message to reset phase (a la phasor~).
inlet object: attr to define hot / cold state.
limi~: lookahead limiter (mc and mcs versions too).
MC Wrapper: 'setvaluerange' message.
mc.sum~: alias to mc.op~ @op sum.
node.script: amxd~ support.
Patching: "Keep Duplicated Objects in View" preference (defaults to off).
playlist~ / jit.playlist: append without arguments opens File dialog.
playlist~ / jit.playlist: reportprogress attribute.
Projects: search bar (by name).
Projects: viewmode to switch between flat and hierarchical views.
Projects: Duplicate Project functionality.
savebang: new object to bang on save.
Snapshots: importsnapshot/exportsnapshot (Snapshots functionality for Standalones).
standalone: Added way to specify application icon with standalone object attribute.
Typing: bring object to front when typing.
VIZZIE: SOLARIZR module (based on jit.fluoride).
Windows multitouch: multitouch support for multislider.



