Syberia 3 MAC 游戏 苹果商店推荐 中文 23GB

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游戏介绍:Benoit Sokal的无限想象力继续在Syberia 3中,专注于一个全新的冒险。放弃岛屿后,凯特被Youkole部落的一条河流边缘流露出来,一群游牧民族与雪鸵鸟一起迁徙。在Valsembor村呆在一起,他们必须找到一种方式,继续他们的对抗敌人和意想不到的障碍的比赛,更不用说凯特的过去,赶上了她。

下一代冒险游戏,Syberia 3带你进入一个充满生机的迷人,神秘的宇宙,让您在3D中探索。沉浸在一个有趣人物的世界的心脏,你会发现和体验一个神话般的故事,如Benoit Sokal所想象的。

– 一个全新的故事,完全不同于前两个Syberia游戏。
– 非常沉浸式的故事,乘以Benoit Sokal无与伦比的艺术方向
– 首次在3D中探索Benoit Sokal的诗意宇宙
– Inon Zur的原始成绩(Syberia 2,Fallout,Dragon Age,Persi Prince)
– 原始的,实时的3D谜题和奥秘


在纽约市的一名律师凯特·沃克(Kate Walker)被派往欧洲进行一个简单的任务,逐渐转变为个人追求,这是一场冒险,导致她乘坐机场到达欧洲各地的机场。在一个名叫奥斯卡的机器人的陪同下,她完成了发明家汉斯·沃尔伯格(Hans Voralberg)的梦想,在索比亚传奇的海岛上搜寻最后一幅猛mamm象。

The limitless imagination of Benoit Sokal continues in Syberia 3, focusing on an entirely new adventure. After abandoning the island, Kate is found dying on the edge of a river by the Youkole tribe, a nomadic people migrating with their snow ostriches. Stuck in Valsembor village, together they must find a way to continue their journey in a race against their enemies and unexpected obstacles, not to mention Kate’s past, which catches up with her.

The next generation in adventure games, Syberia 3 takes you inside an enchanting, mysterious universe full of life for you to explore in 3D. Plunged into the heart of a world inhabited by a cast of interesting characters, you’ll discover and experience a fabulous tale as imagined by Benoit Sokal.

– A brand new tale, completely different from the first two Syberia games.
– Exceptionally immersive storytelling, multiplied by Benoit Sokal’s unparalleled artistic direction
– Explore Benoit Sokal’s poetic universe in 3D for the first time
– Original score by Inon Zur (Syberia 2, Fallout, Dragon Age, Prince of Persia)
– Original, real-time 3D puzzles and mysteries

Previously in Syberia:

A lawyer in NYC, Kate Walker was sent to Europe on a simple mission that gradually transformed into personal quest, an adventure that led her on a voyage aboard a locomotive bound for the reaches of the Europe. Accompanied by a robot named Oscar, she fulfilled inventor Hans Voralberg’s dream, searching for the last mammoths all the way on the legendary island of Syberia.



System requirements 

  • OS X 10.7 or Later


