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  • Stranded Deep for Mac 0.46.00 (2015) [En] [macOS Native game]

Stranded Deep for Mac 0.46.00 (2015) [En] [macOS Native game]



生成无限数量的程序世界 – 探索充满详细生物群系的太平洋岛屿,珊瑚礁和无底海洋战壕!

没有两个世界是相同的 – 您可以随时生成一个全新的随机世界。您还可以将使用地图编辑器创建的自己的地图与世界上程序创建的地图混合,以获得更加个性化的体验。如果您想分享,您甚至可以与其他玩家分享您的世界种子。

动态天气和昼夜循环 – 在阳光明媚的下午努力驾驭风雨如磐的海洋或享受椰子晒太阳。
独特的基于物理的制作系统 – 通过在物理世界中将它们组合在一起来收集资源来创建设备 – 没有精心设计的插槽!
独特的基于物理的建筑系统 – 在岛上定居,建造一个避难所或用您自己建造的木筏在海上冒险。
详细的生存方面和互动 – 管理你的饥饿,口渴,血液和健康的命运,抵御大自然的严酷。
随机掠夺和收集 – 搜索沉没的沉船和岛屿,寻找有趣和稀有的设备。
狩猎和捕鱼 – 在浅滩中长矛小动物或用长矛枪寻找更大的食物。饿死资源岛或维持和管理其增长。

处理错误 – 已经付出了很多努力来确保您的Stranded Deep体验尽可能没有bug,但是游戏处于早期访问阶段,因此会出现错误。我们将尽力挤压他们。
性能 – 优化性能是一个重要的持续过程,将持续到早期访问期。
岛屿和地形多样性 – 为不同的程序世代创造更多独特的生物群落和生物群落参数。
更多野生动物 – 包括更多鱼类和鲨鱼物种以及更有趣的岛屿野生动物,如鸟类,蛇类和蜥蜴类。
最终游戏场景 – 可以完成一系列可选任务并在全世界范围内取得进展,以获得拯救。
合作游戏 – 你可以在一起组成一个不合适的团队,配给你的物资或逐个消灭对方。
改进的用户界面 – 所有游戏内UI都是临时的,将被更合适的主题所取代。
Occulus Rift支持
多得多! – 有关详细信息,请访问我们的网站http://www.beamteamgames.com


Take the role of a plane crash survivor stranded somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. Experience terrifying encounters both above and below an endless environment. Come face to face with some of the most life threatening scenarios that will result in a different experience each time you play.

Scavenge. Discover. Survive.

Generate an Infinite Number of Procedural Worlds – Explore Pacific islands, reefs, and bottomless ocean trenches filled with detailed biomes!

No two worlds are the same – You can generate a completely new and randomized world at any time. You can also mix your own maps created with the map editor in with the procedurally created maps in the world for a more customized experience. If you feel like sharing, you can even share your world seed with other players.

* Please note, currently the generated world size is limited to 6.25km2 but the final world size will be much larger.
Dynamic Weather and Day-Night Cycle – Struggle to navigate stormy seas or enjoy basking with a coconut on a sunny afternoon.
Unique Physically-based Crafting System – Harvest resources to create equipment by combining them together in the physical world – no crafting slots!
Unique Physically-based Building System – Settle on an island and construct a shelter or venture the seas with your own built raft.
Detailed Survival Aspects and Interaction – Manage your vitals of hunger, thirst, blood, and health against the harshness of mother nature.
Random Loot and Collectables – Search sunken shipwrecks and islands for interesting and rare equipment.
Hunting and fishing – Spear small animals in the shallows or risk the depths with a spear gun in search of larger meals. Starve an island of resources or maintain and manage its growth.

The things we want and things we know you want!
Dealing with bugs -A lot of effort has been put into making sure your Stranded Deep experience is as bug free as possible, however the game is in an Early Access stage of development, so there will be bugs. We will be doing our best to squish them.
Performance – Optimizing performance is an important ongoing process that will continue through the Early Access period.
Island and Terrain Variety – Creating more unique biomes and biome parameters for different procedural generations.
More Wildlife – Incorporating more fish and shark species and more interesting island wildlife like birds, snakes and lizards.
An End-game Scenario – Making it possible to complete a series of optional tasks and progress through the world in an attempt to be rescued.
Co-operative Gameplay – Where you can band together as a team of misfits and ration your supplies or eliminate each other one by one.
Improved User Interface – All of the in-game UI is temporary and will be replaced with a more fitting theme.
Occulus Rift Support
Controller Support
Much more! – See our website for more details, http://www.beamteamgames.com



System requirements:

  • OS X 10.7 or Later

Download links:

