This Is the Police 2 v.1.0.1 (2018) [Multi] [macOS Native game]
在This Is the Police 2中继续使用着名的Noir-drama This Is the Police! 领导警长的部门,执行警察,调查,审问,监禁。 做出艰难的决定 - 尽量不让自己入狱! - 在这个冒险游戏,战略和回合制战斗的鸡尾酒。
这是一个模拟器吗? 经理? 战术游戏? 一部视觉小说? 一个谜题? 一起 - 甚至更多!
Treat the laws as you like in This Is the Police 2, the continuation of the famous Noir-drama This Is the Police! Lead the sheriff's department, run the cops, investigate, interrogate, imprison. Take difficult decisions - and try not to get yourself into jail! - in this cocktail of adventure games, strategy and turn-based tactical battles.
Is this a simulator? Manager? Tactical game? A visual novel? Puzzle? All together - and even more!
Screenshot 软件截屏:
System requirements 系统要求:
- OS X 10.7 or Later
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