RevisionFX REMap for AE v3.2.1 (macOS)

– RE:地图UV需要一个紫外线地图,大概从3D系统提供的,并使用该映射渲染的图像。轻松清理纹理贴图,并在后期重新映射,而不必回到您的3D系统进行重新渲染。另外,这个插件可以让你你拿出清凉的2D和3D纹理动画地图模板,并与不同的图像序列再次重用他们。
– RE:地图逆紫外线需要紫外线地图和匹配,紫外线地图的彩色图象,而反比投射彩色图像到随后可用于纹理紫外线地图与稀土矩形图像:地图紫外线,或用作纹理贴图为您的3D系统。
– RE:地图扭曲采用彩色图像,并自动扭曲基于功能的漫画般的效果图像。
– RE:地图置换经纱与用户提供的位移图的图像。这个插件包含更多的选择和先进的过滤控制比其他大多数置换贴图过滤器。
– RE:地图平面地图或逆映射由4个点(也称为角钉扎)中所定义的透视平面。



RE:Map Features :

Texture map in post
Use a UV map rendered from a 3D system to easily clean up or replace texture maps in your compositing program for without having to re-render in your 3D system.

Work in both directions
RE:Map also allows you to use a photo, and a matching 3D object, and create the texture map you need for your 3D render system.

Quality distortion tools
Includes tools for corner pinning and 2D displacement mapping.

High quality filtering
High quality filtering of images which includes supersampling and mipmapping. Advanced feature to deal with antialiased UV edges and areas where a section of an object crosses another part of the object.

Replace and rerender
Reapply new texture sequences in order to reuse animated UV maps for cool animations and transitions. Adjust, color correct, edit, then reapply your textures for your 3D animated objects without having to rerender in the 3D system.

Iterate Faster
Combine UV maps and textures in post, without having to re-render in your 3D system.

Inverse UV Mapping
Paint or align textures in 2D to match your 3D rendered image and inversely project the image to make a texture map for use in your 3D system or with RE:Map UV

Corner pinning
Maps or inverse maps a perspective plane defined by 4 points (also known as corner pinning).

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System requirements:

  • OS X 10.7 or Later


