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  • Pillars Of Eternity II: Deadfire v2.0.0.0030 (22635) (2018) [Multi] [macOS Native game]

Pillars Of Eternity II: Deadfire v2.0.0.0030 (22635) (2018) [Multi] [macOS Native game]

在“永恒的支柱”续集中追逐陆地和海上的失控之神,这是一款赢得评论家高度赞扬的角色扮演游戏。通过庞大的未开发的群岛死火将您的船送到危险的探险队。征服自己的自由意志的世界 – 探索无限的可能性,包括详细的个性化的英雄,完全自由世界的研究和周到的选择,在每一步的质量。
沉浸在深度单人角色扮演游戏机制 – 通过先进的技术和能力的支持下,Deadfire游戏是基于经典的d&d系统上有了很大改进的图形,深入的游戏机制和新的自行设计的冒险,决定真正的问题。

打开一个新的区域 – Dedfayr – 奠定了自己的船,当然,探索群岛的浓郁的异国风情的岛屿,寻找新的地方,与当地人互动,并在每个端口执行各种任务。

创建一个组并配置卫星 – 最多7个不同的卫星可以加入您的冒险,每个卫星可以在几个类中开发并使用改进的能力。通过新的卫星系统观察他们之间的互动和关系的发展。

成为一名船长带领你的船在海边,像一个浮动的堡垒 – 这不仅仅是一个研究船!改善您的船员和船员,并选择技能进行改进,以便在危险的战斗中生存,等待途中。

Chase the runaway god on land and by sea in the sequel to Pillars of Eternity, a role-playing game that earned high praise from critics. Send your ship to a dangerous expedition through the vast unexplored archipelago Deadfire. Subordinate the world to your will – explore a myriad of endless possibilities, including a detailed personalization of the hero, complete freedom in exploring the world and thoughtful choices that occur at every step.
Immerse yourself in the in-depth mechanics of single-player role-playing games – backed up by advanced technologies and capabilities, the game Deadfire is built on the basis of the classic D & D system and features significantly improved graphics, in-depth game mechanics and a new self-created adventure where decisions really matter.

Open a new region – Dedfire – build your ship’s course and explore the rich exotic islands of the archipelago, discovering new places, interacting with locals and performing various tasks in each port.

Create a group and configure satellites – up to 7 different satellites can join your adventure, each of which can develop in several classes and use improved abilities. Watch their interaction and development of relations thanks to a new system of satellites.

Become a captain to lead your ship on the seaside, like a floating fortress – this is not just a research vessel for you! Improve your ship and crew, and also choose skills to improve in order to survive in dangerous battles, waiting on the way.

Screenshot 软件截屏:


System requirements 系统要求:

  • OS X 10.7 or Later


