Home Inventory 4.4.10 macOS

Home Inventory 4.4.10

Home Inventory 4.4.10 | macOS | 56 mb
Blue Plum Home Inventory will help you make and maintain a home inventory for any property you own. It lets you organize your belongings in collections, rooms, locations and/or assign one or more tags to each one. It helps you add photos, videos, receipts, manuals, contracts and any other document related to your items.

Remote data entry from our iOS app
Name, description, serial number, make, model, year, warranty information, etc
Item’s property location, room, collection and multiple tags
Purchase price, annual depreciation rate
Inventory item journals and events
Multiple photos, videos or any other type of electronic document assigned to any inventory item

Compatibility: macOS 10.12 or later 64-bit
Homepage: https://theblueplum.com


链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/12q_em4veQeJ9-nLAZHYKcg 提取码: w35u  
