Exportools Standard 2021 for Adobe InDesign CC 2021 v11.0 macOS

Export documents as single pages to several formats. Exportools Standard automates exporting individual document pages or spreads into separate files. It can also export groups of pages and selections, extract all the document text, and even split documents with their corresponding image links.

Multiple Export Formats
Exportools Standard automates exporting individual document pages or spreads into separate files. It can also export groups of pages and selections, extract all the document text, and even split documents with their corresponding image links.

You can export to several common formats, including: PDF, PostScript, EPS, Rich Text Format, Microsoft Word, ePub, JPEG, PNG. Exportools Standard also allows you to split documents, saving them as smaller documents or templates.

Export Pages as Separate Files, Multi-Page Groups, or Individual Selections

One File for Each Page or Spread
Export each page or spread of your document as a separate file. Select all pages, even pages, odd pages, single page sequence, or any custom page range.

Groups of Pages or Spreads
Group pages and export them as multi-page files. For example, you can export all pages as one group, even pages as one group, or groups of 5 pages each, starting on page 3.

Selection of Items
Select items in your document and then export them to the desired format. Specify a margin bleed to include an area around the selection.

Automatic File Name Composition
Exportools Standard comes with a smart name composition engine to guarantee that each exported file has a different name, and that it can easily be recognized. It allows you to select a variety of placeholders, such as page, time stamp, or serial numbers, that change automatically to uniquely name each exported file.

You can use 1 to 9 file name components, and for each one, select any of these 10 placeholders: Document Name, Page Sequence, Page Section, Serial Number, Today’s Date, Current Time, User Name, Destination Folder, Export File Extension, or any Custom Text.

Split Documents into Smaller Documents
Exportools Standard for InDesign and QuarkXPress allows you to split and save documents into any number of pages or
spreads, while retaining all the appropriate formatting, applied styles, preferences, and layout of the original document.

Better yet, you can split the document into groups. For example, you can split the document in groups of 4 pages each, starting on page 2.

Exportools Standard also allows you to collect into separate subfolders all the image links that belong to each corresponding page, spread, group, or selection.

Detailed Logging and Tracking
Exportools Standard makes it easy to keep track of the exported files by reporting in real time which files are being exported, their exact name, size, location and preview, plus any errors or warnings that may occur during the output process.

You can also open each of the exported files with any post-processing application you choose. For example, select Adobe Acrobat Pro to open the saved PDF files all at once; or have Microsoft Word open the pages you just exported as text.


