MindView for Mac 6.0.9 强大的思维导图软件

MindView Mac是一个强大的思维导图软件,可以帮助用户在头脑风暴,组织和视觉呈现想法。 MindView Mac有6个可互换的视图,包括甘特图和时间轴,帮助您将想法变成比以前更快的行动!凭借独特的项目管理功能和业界最佳的MS Office集成,MindView Mac是Mac心灵映射软件的领导者。
当涉及到思维导图软件mac,你得到你支付。使用MindView Mac作为思维导图软件为您提供6个可互换视图的功能,可以记录笔记,附加文件和向分支添加视觉效果。 MindView Mac结合了一个简化的Mac友好界面和业界最佳的Microsoft Office集成可用于思维导图软件,MindView Mac保证清晰地了解想法,并提高思维导图用户的投资回报率。

由于不再需要重新输入数据,因此与传统的头脑风暴和白板会话相比,MindView Mac用户从开始到结束都更有效率。通过专业设计的Word和PowerPoint导出模板,MindView Mac心理绘图软件允许您通过鼠标点击将您的思维导图转换成令人惊叹的演示文稿。


– 导出你的思维导图到Word,PowerPoint,项目等
– 从Word,PowerPoint,项目等导入
– 流线型Mac友好的界面

Mind Mapping软件Mac的项目管理
无论您希望优化初始规划阶段还是使甘特图更容易概览,MindView是适合您的心智地图软件! MindView允许您在思维导图或工作分解结构(WBS)中集思广益您的项目计划,并将计划转移到我们内置的甘特图,时间轴或导出到Microsoft Project。

– 在思维导图中激发您的项目计划
– 应用任务信息和资源
– 内置甘特图和项目时间表
– 集成到MS项目

Mind Mapping Software for Productivity
When it comes to mind mapping software mac, you get what you pay for. Using MindView Mac as your mind mapping software brings you the power of 6 interchangeable views, the ability to take notes, attach files and add visuals to the branches. Combined with a streamlined Mac-friendly interface and the industry’s best Microsoft Office integration available for mind mapping software, MindView Mac guarantees a clear understanding of ideas and increases ROI for mind mapping users.

Since the re-entering of data is no longer necessary, when compared to traditional brainstorming and whiteboard sessions, MindView Mac users are more productive from start to finish. With professionally designed Word and PowerPoint export templates, MindView Mac mind mapping software allows you to convert your mind map into a stunning presentation with the click of a mouse.

Whether you are brainstorming topics, storyboarding presentations, enhancing meeting discussions or improving white board sessions, MindView mind mapping software Mac gives you the tools you need to get the job done right – the first time.

-Export your mind map to Word, PowerPoint, Project, and more
-Import from Word, PowerPoint, Project, and more
-Professional templates and styles available
-Streamlined Mac-friendly interface

Mind Mapping Software Mac for Project Management
Whether you are looking to optimize the initial planning stage or make Gantt Charts easier to overview, MindView is the right Mind Mapping Software for you! MindView allows you to brainstorm your project plan in a mind map or a work breakdown structure (WBS) and transfer the plan into our built-in Gantt Chart, Timeline or export to Microsoft Project.

-Brainstorm your project plan in a mind map
-Apply task information and resources
-Built-in gantt chart and project timeline
-Integration to MS Project

HomePage – https://www.matchware.com/mind-mapping-software-mac

Screenshot 软件截屏:


System requirements 系统要求:

  • OS X 10.7 or Later


