Adobe After Effects CC 2017 for mac动态影像设计

After Effects CC允许您创建动态,视觉震撼的运动图形和视觉效果,无论灵感来自哪里。 After Effects现在允许您通过团队项目和共享模板与编辑者无缝协作,快速轻松地创建3D组合,立即播放场景而无需缓存,并在您的合成中使用更多的GPU加速效果。

Adobe After Effects CC 2017中的新功能

团队项目是一种基于Adobe Anywhere技术构建的新的托管协作服务,使编辑人员能够实时无缝地在编辑工作流程中进行协作。使用团队项目,编辑器和运动图形艺术家可以在After Effects CC,Adobe Premiere Pro CC和Adobe Prelude CC中的共享团队项目中同时工作,而无需任何其他硬件。团队项目数据安全托管在云中,项目引用的媒体文件保存在本地源文件或共享轻量级代理中。团队项目还包括深层协作功能,如版本控制和智能冲突解决。

这个版本的After Effects包括一个新的3D渲染器,使用Maxon的Cinema 4D的渲染技术。现在,您可以快速创建3D文本和徽标,而无需任何特定硬件,弯曲平面,以及直接在时间轴内拉伸3D文本和形状。简化的3D工作流程允许您使用单个滑块轻松控制质量和渲染设置,同时使用相同的相机,照明和文本动画工具。



直到前一版本,您只能通过提供包含相关资产的完整项目文件,与Premiere Pro用户共享实时文本模板。在此版本中,您可以将组合件及其资产打包到一个易于共享的文件中,并包含编辑器所需的所有内容。只需使用“合成”>“导出为文本模板”选项将组合作为文本模板保存,然后编辑器即可对Premiere Pro中的模板和资产进行操作。

通过动态链接在After Effects中的字符动画制作者场景
您现在可以直接在After Effects或Premiere Pro中打开Character Animator场景,并通过Adobe Dynamic Link保持与Character Animator中原始场景的实时连接。在切换回After Effects或Premiere Pro时,会自动反映对字符动画师中场景的更改。


现在,您可以使用首选项目设置(如颜色管理和文件夹结构)创建模板,并将其用作创建的每个新项目的基础。当您与其他用户和自由职业者协作时,这是特别有用的,因为您可以更改模板并通过Creative Cloud同步更改。


What’s New in After Effects CC (2017):

3D rendering engine
Improve rendering performance on your CPU and create elements such as extruded text and shape layers directly inside After Effects with the new 3D rendering engine from Cinema 4D.

Team Projects (Beta)
Collaborate and share sequences and compositions in real time with Team Projects (Beta). Features like version control and conflict resolution are built right into After Effects, Premiere Pro and Prelude so teams can work better together. Available now for Creative Cloud for teams and enterprise customers.

Real-time playback
Speed up your workflow by playing back most raw footage in real-time without rendering or caching first.

Faster effects and interactive performance
Get rid of bottlenecks and work faster with more GPU-accelerated effects, as well as Dynamic Link improvements that eliminate intermediate rendering between

Premiere Pro and After Effects.
Live Text Template improvements
Package your compositions in a single file that allows users to easily share Live Text Templates with Premiere Pro.

Character Animator enhancements
Make Photoshop and Illustrator changes to your puppet and update faster with improved Character Animator performance. Switch easily between Character Animator, After Effects and Premiere Pro using Dynamic Link.

Typekit updates
With Typekit Marketplace, you can buy fonts from some of the industry’s biggest names and use them in your After Effects projects. Instantly sync your purchased fonts to your devices and bring them directly into your compositions.

Creative Cloud Assets improvements
Archive and restore all your assets stored in Creative Cloud, including the ones in your Creative Cloud Libraries, assets created with CC desktop products, and mobile projects.

Shared templates
Make sure your team and freelancers are always working off the same page by creating your own new project template with set color guides and file structure, and sharing it in Creative Cloud Folders.

Date and time tokens
Keep track of multiple outputs from the same file by adding date and time tokens to your file name output template.

And so much more
Also includes: Better UI retina support, improved markers, scripting enhancements, Adobe Media Encoder export improvements, enhanced Time Remapping, a 360-degree preset for monoscopic equirectangular video viewing, and more.


System Requirements:
– Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit support
– MacOS X v10.10, v10.11 or v10.12



System requirements:

  • OS X 10.7 or Later


